Defending Against an OFAC Investigation

Date: 29-Feb-12 to 29-Feb-12
Location: OnlineWebinar / California City / United States
Category: Conferences & Trade Fairs

This webinar on Defending Against OFAC Investigations is designed to teach participants to successfully navigate the OFAC enforcement process and reduce any OFAC penalties.
Why Should You Attend:
The U.S. government takes violations of economic sanctions prohibitions very seriously. Just recently, JP Morgan Chase had to pay $88.3 million to settle allegations that it had violated a number of OFAC administered sanctions prohibitions. This type of penalty is not abnormal as for most sanctions violations OFAC can administered penalties of up to $250,000 USD or twice the value of the transaction, per transaction that violated the sanctions. As there is lack of information publically available many are lost when it comes down to how an OFAC investigation and enforcement action should be handled.
Areas Covered in the Seminar:

* The Art of the OFAC Voluntary Self-Disclosure: What to do when you have violated U.S. economic sanctions; but OFAC is unaware.
* Responding to OFAC Administrative Subpoenas.
* What OFAC enforcement officers are really looking for?
* Using the OFAC enforcement guidelines to your advantage.
* Types of enforcement actions and penalty calculations.
* Responding to a pre-penalty notice and saving your reputation in light of the sanctions violations.


* Banks and financial institutions
* Insurers
* Importers/exporters
* Any entity or person engaged in international trade particularly in the Middle East
* General Counsels of U.S. and Multi-National Corporations
* Agricultural and food suppliers
* Pharmaceutical companies
* Manufacturers and distributors of medical devices and products


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