BIT's 2nd Annual International Congress of u-World (u-World 2012)

Date: 28-Aug-12 to 30-Aug-12
Location: Dalian World Expo Center / Dalian / China
Category: IT Technology Electronics Telecommunications

BIT’s 2nd Annual International Congress of U-World is hosted by Information Research Center of International Talent and China Council for the Promotion International Trade Dalian Sub-council, and it is operated by BIT Congress Inc., the Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA-Dalian Biotechnological and Medical Experts Subdivision.

The conference this year is themed Enable Things to Maximized Value aimed to be a dedicated event for internet of things and ubiquitous network. The program is dedicated to highlight some recent breakthrough stories and successes in 8 major topics.

Forum 1: Market Trend, Economy and Policy for IOT and U-Net
Forum 2: Action Plans on U-Countries
Forum 3: Breaking Research and Innovative Technology of IOT
Forum 4: Ubiquitous Computing and Pervasive Internet/Network
Forum 5: IOT Standard and Industrial Implantation
Forum 6: Applications of IOT/M2M
Forum 7: Privacy and Security on IOT and U-Network
Forum 8: IOT Finance and Business Development

Over the conference period, you will have opportunities to share information and the best practices from current research to implementation of new technologies. Besides, we have an exciting social program lined up which will allow delegates opportunities to network whilst enjoying the fantastic stay Dalian has to offer. If you would like to give an oral presentation about your recent achievement, please submit abstract by email All proposals are subject to review by the scientific advisory board to ensure the overall quality of the conference.





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