Confined Spaces for Managers: Train Your Managers to Enhance Safety & Reduce Risks

Many workplaces contain spaces that are considered "confined" because their configurations hinder the activities of employees who must enter, work in, and exit from. This 60 minute webinar is for professionals and managers that want to ensure confined spaces are properly identified and managed. The session will also help the increase in the level of safety in their Confined Spaces Entry Program.


Why Should You Attend:

Confined space risks can be complex, the strategies for assuring that an entry occurs without difficulties is possible if you consider the necessary program elements for performing a safe entry. Preparing for an effective response procedure in the event of an emergency can also be accomplished with solid initial planning.
Areas Covered in this Session:

What constitutes a confined space - and why understanding the definition is critical.
Determining the classification of confined spaces using the Confined Space Decision Chart.
Evaluating configuration, physical, psychological, and atmospheric hazards in confined spaces.
Identifying and controlling the three types of atmospheric hazards that may exist in confined spaces.
Safe entry procedures for confined spaces - and why permit completion is so important.
What are the Fed-OSHA confined space regulations and requirements.


Who Will Benefit:

Safety professionals and Managers

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