African Ports Evolution 2013

African Ports Evolution 2013 Forum is a multi-tracked event that aims to discover the scale of planned marine development and expansion projects across the African continent. It provides proven, future-proofed solutions and alternatives for demand driven port development and expansion, creating productive ports and terminals and supportive networks to fast-track Africa’s economic development. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how to reduce transport costs and boost transit times towards increasing ROI across the entire supply chain. African Ports Evolution 2013 Forum will provide attendees with take home, future-proofed solutions to boost the integrity of port operations, modernise facilities, and increase bulk and container throughput at their ports.


Shipping lines and freight forwarders
Bulk exporters/importers
Port authorities and port terminals
Government officials
Suppliers to the maritime industry


Marine engineering companies
Dredging companies
Logistics companies
Suppliers of large ports and maritime equipment
Maritime attorneys
Environmental consultants
Marine insurers
Suppliers of underwater construction materials

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