Clinical Trials in CNS

Date: 18-Nov-13 to 19-Nov-13
Location: Marriott Hotel, Regents Park, London / London / United Kingdom
Category: Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences & Trade Fairs

The highly anticipated and respected 12th annual Clinical Trials in CNS Conference returns to London with a two day content packed agenda featuring new approaches taken in this field towards a number of neurodegenerative disorders, from clinical trial modelling and simulation to the role of biomarkers, the agenda presents a detailed look into many aspects of drug discovery and delivery of CNS therapeutics. This innovative conference will give delegates an opportunity to gain insights through case studies and interactive discussion into the best practices in clinical trials.


>>>>>Event highlights include:

• Learn the importance of understanding the pathophysiology and biology of disease processes with use of biomarkers and imaging techniques
• Discover ways to design late stage clinical trials
• Overcome challenges of delivery within the CNS
• Determine the legal and ethical issues behind sham surgery


Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities are available
To find out more contact Anuja Raut
On tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6128 or email:

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