How to Conduct an Offensive Behavior Investigation

This anti-harassment at workplace training will teach you how to effectively conduct discrimination and harassment investigations that can protect employers from liability and retaliation claims.

Why Should You Attend:
How an employer responds to an offensive behavior investigation often influences the outcome of litigation much more than the offensive behavior itself. Not only can an effective investigation buffer an employer from liability, a poorly one can lead to claims of retaliation (a claim often much easier to prove than the original misconduct).
This webinar will help you understand when you need to call in a professional to conduct your investigation. Receive updates on the most recent cases on these issues and learn what the courts require with regard to a prompt and thorough investigation. Become familiar with what your goals should be in the investigation and what the risks of a faulty investigation are. More specifically, learn how to handle the initial complaint; what issues are crucial to an effective resolution, how to take court-friendly notes, and must-have language for the final report.

Areas Covered in the Webinar:
-Laws rewarding good investigations and laws that limit them.
-How to evaluate the credibility of your witnesses
-How to avoid retaliation claims
-Why navigating a "he said/she said" complaint is not as hard as you think
-Deciding to interview and what to ask
-How to write an effective report
-What to tell each party about your decision
-How to get the workplace back to normal after an investigation


Who will Benefit:
-Chief Human Resource Officers
-Senior Management Team
-HR Managers, Directors, and Administrators
-Employment Managers
-Training Director


Instructor Profile:
Dr. Joni E. Johnston, is the founder and CEO of Work Relationships, a corporate training and consulting company specializing in workplace mental health problems as well as employee conduct issues including workplace harassment, workplace violence, and effective discipline/termination. Dr. Johnston has been performing human resource seminars for professional groups and industry associations since she founded her HR/employee relations consulting and training firm in 1991, and has personally trained over 50,000 managers and supervisors. She has worked extensively in the biotech and life sciences industry.
She has written monthly columns for LexisNexis, HR.Com and HRGateway. She is an adjunct professor in Tiffin University's criminal justice program and has authored three books, including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Psychology. She has also served as an expert witness in numerous employment-related lawsuits.

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