Healthcare integrated biobanking and multiomics biomarker analysis

Date: 03-Jul-14 to 05-Jul-14
Location: University Hospital Regensburg / Germany
Category: Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences & Trade Fairs

We are delighted to announce the Regensburg International Conference "Healthcare integrated biobanking and multiomics biomarker analysis" to be held on July 3-5, July 2014. he goal of the conference is to transfer recent research and innovative biomarker candidates from diverse body fluid- and cell-based analyses into applications for health-care integrated biobanking, diagnostics, clinical practice, therapy-monitoring, and outcome prediction.
The conference covers multiomics analysis of a broad range of aging disorders such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, "diabesity", neurodegenerative diseases and inflammation.


The conference and the workshop will bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry to address the latest developments in biomedical sciences.



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