Allergen Management: Industry Challenges and Available Guidelines

The objective of this complimentary webinar (45-minute presentation / 15-minute Q&A) is to discuss the results of the SGS industry survey on challenges, needs and gaps in allergen management and control and also provide an update on published guidelines covering different aspects of allergen risk management such as training, supply management and effective communication.

• Background to food allergens and intolerance
• SGS survey on industry challenges, needs and gaps in allergen management and control
• Update of available guidelines
• Overview of basic components of an effective allergen control plan
• Conclusions


The webinar is aimed at companies interested to get a good understanding of currently available food allergens guidelines, or professionals and others that wish to be educated on the topic.


Dr. Evangelia Komitopoulou - SGS Global Technical Manager – Food

Evangelia is responsible for providing technical support to the global network of certification and auditor teams and is the Product Manager for SGS Gluten-Free Certification Services. Evangelia is an expert food microbiologist with specific areas of experience in microbiological risk assessment and specifications, food processing and preservation. Evangelia is recognised for her involvement in the development and validation of microbial detection and antimicrobial assay methodologies as well as the identification and evaluation of novel and natural antimicrobial systems in food preservation. With a career which includes over 10 years spent in food technical consultancy, trouble-shooting and contract applied research and development, Evangelia is also the author and editor of many technical reports and articles.

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