4th Annual Advanced Submarine Power Cable and Interconnection Forum

BIS Group’s Advanced Submarine Power Cable and Interconnection Forum aims to provide participants with clear understanding of current and near-future development, in-depth analysis and strategic insight to significantly enhance cable installation reduce repair cost and guarantee maximum return of investment.


VPs, Directors, Mangers, Engineers of:
- (Submarine) Cable Projects
- Interconnection Projects
- Network Planning
- Submarine Network Planning
- Transmission
- HVDC – Engineering/Maintenance
- Assets Management
- Offshore Grid Integration and connection
- Operations
- Electrical Engineering
- Cable Installation, routing and laying


Energy Utilities
Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
Power and Wind Generators/Developers
Cable Manufacturers and Installation Companies
Sales brief
Cable Component Companies
Contractors, Consultants & Advisory Services
Regulators and Governing Bodies

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