Change Your Brain, Change Your LIFE!

Date: 06-Apr-15 to 07-Apr-15
Location: AWAKEN Higher Brain Living® Center / Minneapolis / United States
Category: Education Sport, Fitness & Recreation Culture, Society & Lifestyle

There is a breakthrough in neuroscience that uses your brain's own neuroplasticity to give you the ability to energize a new part of your brain by myelinating pathways that tap into the latent potential of your "higher brain."
The "higher brain" is the pre-frontal cortex -- the part of the brain that is activated when you feel love, joy, empowerment, confidence and that “in-the-flow” feeling.
The structure is there, but it’s not being used to its full potential.
Why not?
100% of ALL inputs to your brain -- perceptions and sensations -- are first processed by the "lower brain" at a level below the conscious threshold.  The lower brain is the old processor -- the primal reptilian and mammalian part of your brain that has only one job: to keep you SAFE.  And to the lower brain:
How does "sameness = safety" play out in your life?  How often do you find yourself compelled to make any of the following changes?

starting a workout routine
ending a relationship/friendship that impacts you negatively
starting the job of your dreams
starting a new, healthier diet

 Yet time and again you fall back into old habits and patterns.
Learn how you can access the potential of your "higher brain" at this free workshop. See a live demonstration on how this works. Try a sample session!

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