Change Management Foundation Certification Auckland New Zealand

Date: 14-Jul-15 to 17-Jul-15
Location: Vertical Distinct Training Centre / Auckland / New Zealand
Category: Education

Change Management Foundation Certification Course Auckland New Zealand

The Change Management Foundation course will focus on equipping the delegate with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges of Change Management, why change happens, how it happens and what needs to be done in order to overcome resistance to change. The course is highly intense with extensive delegate participation and opportunities to apply Change Management models, tools and techniques to a variety of scenarios.
The successful completion of the Foundation Exam will give the delegate a recognised APMG qualification.
This course lays a firm grounding for the delegate to apply Change Management approaches and techniques in the workplace. We provide pre-course materials and activities to enable delegates to prepare themselves for the course so that they can take full advantage of the trainer’s knowledge and guidance. Delegates should expect to spend approximately 15 hours completing their pre-course preparation.

All managers involved in change or business transformation
Change agents and change champions throughout the organisation
Consultants wishing to further develop their consulting capability
Programme and Project Managers responsible for coordinating and implementing change, and managing its impact on people

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