Finding more headspace in Eight Easy Steps

 Finding Yourself in Eight Easy Steps (when you never knew you were lost)
Session 4 of 8 - Finding more headspace in Eight Easy Steps

Do you ever feel… 

lost in the journey of life?
lost for answers?
you have lost control of your emotions?
lost in a cloudy mind?
lost in the chaos of the modern world?
lost for energy?
lost in a crowd?
you've lost your off-button? 

 If this sounds like you then we can help you…

find a road map for your journey
find where to find the answers
find clarity
find the blue sky in your mind
find order in the chaos
find energy and enthusiasm
find your place in the crowd
find out how to recharge your batteries

In this series of 8 Masterful Classes we will explore why each is important to your wellbeing, vitality, happiness and resilience. We will provide you with the implementable strategies of how to affect positive change in everyday life. While each session is standalone, delegates who attend all eight classes will develop comprehensive strategies to maximise their overall wellbeing. All delegates will leave with their own workbook and personal action plan to help implement the changes they decide.
All delegates will enjoy a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Please specify any dietary requirements at time of booking.
Who Should Attend?
It doesn't matter where you work, what you do or even if you don't work. If you feel lost in one or more ways above, you probably need this Masterful Class. 

This is Session 4 of 8 - Finding more headspace in Eight Easy Steps - In this session you will understand how a cloudy mind affects your clarity of thought and will learn eight easy ways to find the blue sky in your mind and regain that clarity.


Ian Hacon, @ianhacon

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