Financial Modelling using Excel

Date: 18-Nov-15 to 20-Nov-15
Location: Central London / London / United Kingdom
Category: Education

A core skill that no financial professional should be without. Designed to teach you the practicalities of modelling applied to a variety of different types of structures such as Project Financing, M&A and Corporate Structuring.

This course will teach you the modelling techniques available that can be used for accurate financial forecasting, and how to apply them using Excel. It attracts delegates involved in investment appraisal, project financing, capital structuring, corporate valuation, MBOs and many more. The course addresses the many shared characteristics of model types and identifies problems associated with the building of cash flow models in specific contexts such as transaction structuring, private equity, MBOs and acquisitions. The tutor has extensive banking experience so can relate the modelling to the real world very well.

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