6th International Conference Innovative Aircraft Seating 2015

The aviation industry is going through an innovative curve and the impact on the aircraft seating industry is already visible. The high demand on distinct cabin customization and flexible solutions for keeping the passenger experience to the highest standards has put pressure along the value chain for enhanced innovation in all levels.Seats have a huge impact on customer perception and flight costs, hence new lightweight materials, new IFE integration technologies and together with new cabin configurations are just a few of the reasons for the need to step up in seating design.

The 6th edition of Innovative Aircraft Seating conference series will welcome leading industry experts from along the aviation value chain for maximum knowledge transfer and best-practice learning opportunities. During this event you will meet international experts from airlines, OEMs, suppliers and academia to discuss, hear and learn about their experiences and challenges with new generation seating technologies and how to achieve maximum comfort.


Antje Terno - Manager/Change Leader – Airbus Cabin Design Office, Philippe Erhel - Industrial Designer - Bombardier, Dr. Udo Schultheis - Director of Human Factors and Ergonomics - Zodiac Aerospace, James Lee - Managing Director - PaperClipDesign, Stephen Philips - Technical Lead Engineer Reliability and Maintainability - Boeing

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