Work as Worship Bible Study/Video Series

Date: 10-Sep-15 to 10-Sep-15
Location: The First United Methodist Church of Lawrenceville / United States
Category: Education Culture, Society & Lifestyle

Many Christians—from the CEO to the teacher to the stay-at-home mom to the semi-retired volunteer —spend a great deal of time working and yet do not realize how their work intersects with their faith. They compartmentalize their faith to Sunday morning and see the rest of their week as having little to do with their walk with God. Scripture, however, makes no division between the sacred and secular parts of our lives. God gives us our work, talent and skills so that through them we might worship Him.
This six session video bible study (meeting on 6 consecutive Thursday evenings, Sept. 10 - Oct. 15) will challenge all of us to consider the reason God calls us to work. It will cause you to consider why He may have you in your current position and encourage you to look beyond how your job makes you feel and see purpose and significance in your work.

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