Functional Forum Meetup Sept 2015 - Northwest Chicago Suburbs

Date: 15-Sep-15 to 15-Sep-15
Location: Bloomingdale Public Library / United States
Category: Education

Keynote Speaker: Tom Blue
The Consumer Healthcare Revolution: What it means for your practice

* What would healthcare look like if the average patient could access your integrative clinic with their insurance?
* How can we leverage technology and community to drive dozens of new patients into your clinic?
* How can we all work together to create massive change in medicine by the end of 2015?

Other Speakers and Guests Include
* James Maskell, Co-Founder Functional Forum
* Gabriel Hoffman, Co-Founder Functional Forum
* Other special guests to be announced

Who Should Attend?
* Any practitioner who is curious about addressing the root causes of chronic disease
* Any health professional who practices:
* Functional Medicine
* Preventative Medicine
* Integrative Medicine
* Holistic Medicine
* Health Professionals: MD, DO, ND, PA, DC, RN, NP, LAc., CHT, CCN, etc.
* Digital Health Innovators
* Medical Stakeholders
* Health Coaches

About Functional Forum
Functional Forum is the world’s largest integrative medicine conference. Each month, we bring together functional medicine research, practice development, and health technology in an upbeat, entertaining way.
Our plan for lasting change in medicine is to empower physicians and providers to deliver high value, community focused, root cause resolution medicine in every zip code of this country.

One of the biggest frustrations we hear from doctors practicing this medicine, whether you know it as integrative, functional or holistic, is that they feel isolated from the rest of their medical community who don’t “get” what they are trying to do. The purpose of this meetup is to help develop that community in our area, adding value to your practice, our community and the movement at large.

This event is hosted by the Bloomingdale Public Library. The meeting is open to the public and no commercial transactions are permitted on the premises.

Learn more:


Tom Blue, James Maskell, Gabriel Hoffman

Go to event website

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