The Power of Focus: 3 Simple Steps

Date: 10-Sep-15 to 10-Sep-15
Location: Hyatt Regency Bellevue on Seattle's Eastside / Bellevue / United States
Category: Education

THE POWER OF FOCUS: Three simple steps to help you stop spinning your wheels and achieve your goals without working so hard! This is a FREE event designed to give you an option on how to stop spinning your wheels, and take your career to the next level. WHY IS THIS DIFFERENT? Because it is taught by Thach Nguyen, a man that started with nothing, from deeply troubled beginnings, and is now a multi-millionaire who wants you to succeed - with a different formula than you will find anywhere else. He wants to show you how to give unconditionally and succeed. You can have anything you want in life if you'll help enough other people get what they want. -Zig Ziegler.
At this event you will learn: The secret formula to WRITE goals so you stay focused and finally achieve them. How to use a simple paper clip to stay laser focused on your goals. Yes, a paper clip. The simple 3-step process you can put inot action right away to break through the muck that has kept you from accomplishing yoru goals so many times before.
Okay you say, great. I have heard this in different ways before. Let me tell you this - there is a 'way' for everyone. Just like there is someone for you out there that you are meant to be with, or are with--they are unique. We are all unique - so is this opportunity to learn how to DREAM BIG and get un-stuck. 
It is a great opportunity to come learn for free just how Destiny by Design works. Why it works. And if it is for you--you will know and there is no turning back. Who is this event for? Professionals in real estate, law, finance, high tech, coaches of all kinds, entrepreneurs in all fields, small-to-medium sized business owners that feel like throwing there hands in the air and have just tried everything. People who want to achieve their dreams and want their life back. Visit

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