Sulaymaniah International Buildexpo 2015

Date: 09-Dec-15 to 12-Dec-15
Location: Sulaymaniah Expo Center / Iraq
Category: Conferences & Trade Fairs

We are proud to announce that SULAYMANIAH BUILDEXPO going on its new edition. BuilExpo has grown steadily and gaining recognition in the Construction & Building industry.
BuildExpo is a key international trade event for business leaders & entrepreneurs that is held in Sulaymaniah Expo Center and it is the perfect place to generate new sales leads, promote your brand, close deals and showcase innovative and unique product and technologies.

Sulaymaniah BuildExpo 2013, welcomed over 126 international companies from 15 different countries
including Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Srilanka, Italy, Kuwait, Egypt, China, U.A.E, Spain, Greek, Lebanon, Syria, Ireland in 10.000 sqm area. 27.600 people had the opportunity to visit Sulaymaniah BuildExpo 2013 during 4 days.

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