Drive & Expression - Potential & Manifestation

Date: 14-Sep-15 to 14-Sep-15
Location: Heilesen & Mygind Center / Denmark
Category: Education

 Shiran Michaeli and Geoffrey Smith will presenet a unique experiential Breathwork seminar about the inter-relations between the 2nd and 5th chakras.

The 2nd and 5th chakras are very strongly connected. Together they determine a big part of our manifestation and sense of self fulfilment in life.

During the seminar we will:

Discuss the mechanisms and dynamics of these energetic centers and further understand the impact they have on us as an integrated being.

We will practice unique exercises aimed to facilitate the flow of life force in these centers and experience the strong connection between them on the physical, emotional and energetic levels.

Utilise the organic goodness of breathwork to further deepen and open up to the experience of the energy flow between these two centers.

Be able to utilise your new understanding of and the energy of these two centers to improve the quality of your life on a daily basis

Reestablishing a healthy flow between the 2nd and 5th chakras opens up so many opportunities to manifest and express our dreams in life, dreams we might have come to believe will never come true.
The seminar is open to anyone with a healthy curiosity about themselves and is especially important for those who are therapists or teachers.
This seminar is not suitable for pregnant women or young children.
Heilesen & Mygind Center, Hellerupvej 10, Baghuset 2 sal, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark

(NB: entrance to the center is gained by passing through the archway between nr 6 & 8 Hellerupvej, then turning left. The center is on the top floor of the old warehouse building.)

There is ample free street parking available on Svanemollen and the center is well served by bus and train. Hellerup station is an easy 5 minute walk away.
Employed/Financially Independant/ Plain old Rich - 1000kr
Unemployed/Student - 500kr


Shiran Michaeli, Geoffrey Smith

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