Gluten-free pasta making lesson

Date: 11-Oct-15 to 11-Oct-15
Location: Casereccio Restaurant / London / United Kingdom
Category: Education Culture, Society & Lifestyle

Shaping pasta by hand is an art that is slowly dying: only a handful of Italian “nonnas” (grandmothers) are able to create delicious pasta from scratch using nothing but their hands. Silvana learned this fantastic and rare skill as a small child from her nonna, and now she is in London to teach you how to create more than 50 different kind of traditional pasta. During the very hands on lesson, Silvana will teach you how to handle and work gluten-free dough, and each month will be dedicated to a different flour mix and technique, so you will be able to create healthy and flavourful gluten-free pasta, and won't be tied any-more to the supermarkets' limited choice: we will explore rice flour (the easiest flour to handle), corn flour, gram flour, buckwheat flour, chestnut flour, and so on. Silvana will also teach how to create coloured pasta and you will be exploring both egg and egg-free pasta. You will be taught the best way to cook pasta, and how to match pasta shape and sauce. Today you will learn how to make mouth watering ricotta and pumpkin gnocchi, served with delicious porcini mushrooms. Note that we'll be using eggs to make this pasta. If you require egg-free, please contact Silvana to make arrangements. No need to purchase the whole course, come and join us today for a fun-filled lesson, and to enjoy at the end the fruits of your labour: hurry, the places are limited!

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