First Line Management

Date: 02-Nov-15 to 03-Nov-15
Location: Media First / United Kingdom
Category: Education

This course is ideal for anyone in, or looking to get into a managerial role, who has not received any formal training. It is ideal for supervisors, team leaders, or anyone looking to progress into a more senior position.

This course will give you the confidence and ability to make the transition from a team member to team leader or manager. If you are already a manager it will build upon your existing skills to achieve more from yourself and your team. Increasing individual and team performance, improving staff engagement and working towards building a high performance team are just some of the areas that are covered on this detailed and practical course.

It is important to ensure that everyone within your organisation with any managerial responsibilities has been given the tools and techniques to do their job effectively. This course will provide your staff with actionable tools, techniques and feedback to apply back into the workplace.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

Explain the role and responsibilities of a manager in today's business environment
Communicate effectively using a range of methods and skills
Develop a strategy in order to make effective use of their time
Delegate effectively while fulfilling developmental needs of the individual and team
Use differing management styles appropriate to the individual and situation
Recognise the actions needed to create, develop and maintain an effective team

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