DC CashFlow Game 101

Play Cashflow 101 – Here are 21 Lessons You Can Apply In Real Life
Here are some of the things you will learn while you look at your life as you play Cashflow 101.
1. The game reflects your appetite for riskand how it affects your investing decisions. See how your appetite for risk is helping or hindering your financial journey. Do you hate risk, recklessly ignore risk or take calculated risks? When you take calculate risks, do you actually calculate the risk or are you just guessing?
re you afraid to try out things that you know nothing about?
3. It reflects your attitude towards moneyand wealth. Are you totally committed to the game of accumulating wealth? Or are you nonchalant and disinterested? Do you pay attention to what happens in the game or does your mind wander to other things? Are you really seriouswith learning how to accumulate wealth?
4. It reflects your mindset about opportunities. Do you believe that wealth is just luck? If you don’t land on an opportunity, does that mean there are no opportunities coming your way? Do you make the most of the opportunities thrown your way?
5. Reflects your bias or prejudicesabout jobs. Initially, people who don’t know the game get disappointed when they get the Janitor or Truck Driver or some other low-income profession. They are envious of people who are Lawyers, Pilots or Doctors in the game. Is this the same in real life? Do you ever wish you had a high-paying job? As you play Cashflow 101, you’ll realize that a high salary does not necessarily help. Actually, it doesn’t matter. Whatever your job is, you can get out of the rat race. That’s good news for anyone. You’ll love getting the paycheck in the beginning but if you play the game right you’ll end up forgetting it later. When you start tasting the blood of investing, you get hungry and forget about your paycheck.
6. Reflects how you work with other people. Do you try to take advantage of other people? Do you try to teach?

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