FATCA Compliance Training

Date: 02-Dec-15 to 02-Dec-15
Location: Central London / London / United Kingdom
Category: Education

Even though FATCA is now operative, many foreign financial institutions (FFIs) and associated organisations are still not clear on what they should be doing.

Under FATCA all foreign financial institutions must disclose U.S. account holders and their account activities. Failure to comply with FATCA will be costly and may subject foreign financial institutions to a 30% withholding tax on U.S.-sourced payments. New sets of obligations required by FATCA includes setting up effective frameworks for due diligence, customer identification and onboarding, certification, withholding, FATCA reporting and compliance management.

If you are still not certain as how to exactly comply with the FATCA requirements and set up all the necessary structures and controls, this very practical one day course is just for you. You will learn about:

- The technical requirements of FATCA including clients' onboarding and cetification, withholding and reporting

- How FATCA compliance can be effectively achieved and

- A detailed look at al the necessary internal controls and certification considerations
- How to provide support for your clients

This intermediate level course is relevant for participants from the UK and abroad.

By the end of the programme you will have a solid understanding of:

- FATCA obligations and how to comply with them
- Intergovernmental Agreements Model I & II and their structure
- Learn what due diligence is in the FATCA sense and how it should be performed
- Who are the responsible officers and what are their obligations
- What is acceptable documentary evidence and dealing with ‘self certification’
- Learn which financial products are to be reported on and which are exempted from FATCA reporting
- How to set up internal controls and address operational challenges
- Providing support for your clients
- Have an understanding of the progressive reporting requirements over the next several

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