UK Mental Health & Addictions Workshop

Date: 03-Nov-15 to 04-Nov-15
Location: London Marriott Hotel Kensington / United Kingdom
Category: Education

Earn 6 CPD's per day. Discounted Tuition with Early Bird Registration at (before 30 October 2015):

Early Bird Tuition (both days): £40.00 (£50.00 at the door)
Early Bird Tuition Day 1 (Nov 3): £25.00 (£30.00 at the door)
Early Bird Tuition Day 2 (Nov 4): £25.00 (£30.00 at the door)

Workshop Agenda and Presenters
Tuesday, November 3
9.30am Registration (Coffee/Tea/Biscuits/Fruit)
10am - 11am Jack Abel - Creative Spirituality: Incorporating Subjectivity and the Artistic in Integrated Treatment through Spiritual Care as a Core Discipline
11am - 12pm Phoenix Adams - Working with Individuals and Families of Wealth, Power and Celebrity
12pm - 1pm John Southworth - The Progression of the Disease
1pm - 1.45pm Lunch
2pm - 3pm Alastair Mordey - Socrates Meet Buddha! Bringing the Best of East and West Together in Treating Addictions
3pm - 4pm Dr. Brian Wells - Which Would You Rather Have On Your Clinical Team? A Psychiatrist or a Trained Monkey?
4pm - 5pm Dennis Durby - Out of the Wasteland: Couples in Addiction Recovery

Wednesday, November 4
9.30am Registration (Coffee/Tea/Biscuits/Fruit)
10am - 11am Jack Abel - Positive Spirituality: Recovery as Epic Journey, a Motivational Alternative to More Pejorative "Disease" Perspectives
11am - 12pm Phoenix Adams - The Family is the Patient, the Patient is the Family: The Residential Restructuring Workshop
12pm - 1pm John Southworth - The Recipe for Recovery
1pm - 1.45pm Lunch
2pm - 3pm Alastair Mordey - Switching Seats on the Titanic: Recognizing Different Addiction Disorders As Part Of The Same Illness
3pm - 4pm Dr. Brian Wells - How Relevant / Useful is The Term "Dependence" In The 21st Century?
4pm - 5pm Dennis Durby - Selfish Recovery: Addressing Narcissism in Recovering Men

Sponsored by Caron Treatment Centers, The Cabin Chiang Mai, and Malibu Beach Sober Living


Phoenix Adams, Jack Abel, Alastair Mordey, Dr. Brian Wells, Dennis Durby, John Southworth

Go to event website

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