Evening Talk: 12 Steps to Great Achievement

Date: 11-Nov-15 to 11-Nov-15
Location: Sofitel Auckland Viaduct Harbour / Auckland / New Zealand
Category: Education

With what I am about to share, you’re about to change your life!

I have studied great achievers in all fields across the 7 primary areas of life and there are common steps that they took that led them to great achievement and I want to share those steps with you. I know if you follow what I will be sharing that the same opportunity for greater achievement can happen for you.

Everybody has the capacity to do something extraordinary with their life, but sometimes people don’t learn the strategies of achievement which can hold them back, and frustrate or trap them in a life they feel that is less than they know they deserve.

It is important to live a purposeful and inspired life and get clear about what your purpose is. Napoleon Hill called it ‘the chief aim in life’. I’ll be starting with how to get really clear on exactly what you want and how to go after it and then how to implement the 12 steps into your life so that you can achieve what you want. You have a great leader inside of you, you have the keys and seeds of greatness but you may not have planted those seeds into the right soil. In this presentation, I’m going to show you how to plant those seeds into fertile soil.

If you want to make a difference in life there is nothing stopping you except yourself. Nobody is getting up in the morning dedicating their life to your greatness and so the level of your achievement is up to you. If you are ready to get going and do something extraordinary then with the steps that I am about to share with you, you are about to change your life. You deserve a life of greatness and with 12 simple steps, you can certainly achieve your greatness!


Dr John Demartini

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