IPSAS Fundamentals Comprehensive Workshop

Date: 07-Dec-15 to 11-Dec-15
Location: Kenya Venue to be confirmed / Nairobi / Kenya
Category: Education

IPSAS aims to improve the quality of general purpose financial reporting by public sector entities, leading to better informed assessments of the resource allocation decisions made by governments, thereby increasing transparency and accountability. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) issues accounting standards and recommended practice guides relating to the financial reporting needs of national, regional and local governments, governmental agencies, and the constituencies they serve. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) that have been issued by the IPSASB represent the first and only comprehensive set of authoritative international financial reporting standards for governments and other public sector entities.

This five-day course provides an overview of the most important requirements for preparing financial statements and disclosures under accrual based IPSAS. The program has been fully updated to follow the 2014 IPSAS Handbook and incorporates the latest standards issued in 2015.

The IPSAS accounting and disclosure requirements are explained in clear, simple language and illustrated with model financial statements and real-world examples. Application of the various standards is illustrated through the use of short case studies.

In addition to a review of current accrual-based IPSAS, our specialist instructors provide guidance on transitioning to the accrual basis. Course delegates also receive up-to-date information on IPSASB’s current exposure drafts and projects.

This program answers questions such as:

What are the current requirements for presentation of accrual-based IPSAS financial statements and related disclosures?
Where can guidance on IPSAS be found?
How have the IPSAS recently changed?
What are the likely future requirements of IPSAS?
What practical issues commonly arise when implementing IPSAS?
What are the recommendations for transitioning from the cash to the accrual basis


Alan Mayo

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