Supercharge Your Sales - How To Triple Your Sales In 6 Months!

Date: 14-Nov-15 to 14-Nov-15
Location: Park Plaza County Hall / London / United Kingdom
Category: Education

Do you want to triple your sales turnover in 6 months? 
Potentially the most important topic in business which doesn't get taught to you in University! How to sell any product or service and develop sales channels which generate revenue. 
Having worked with hundreds of companies, one thing that is obvious to us at MJB is that so many companies out there are very good at what they do- they can deliver their product or service to the highest quality and they have an amazing business structure. So why do they fail and where does it all go wrong? It is in their inability to generate new business at a higher order value!
At MJB we want to teach you how to sell your product or service at a higher order value and at an increased volume using a technique called Reason Selling!

On the day, the topics being covered are:
How to create and implement an effective sales law of averages to grow your business
How to develop an efficient sales process to reduce the journey time for your prospects to become clients 
Learn how to effectively sell your service/ product without having to over sell 
How to qualify clients in a systematic fashion and increase conversion by 300%
How to grow your network for it to have a positive impact on your net worth
The mentality that you and your team need to have to sell successfully  
 How to turn your entire business into a deal machine 
Selling by adding value - get your prospects to close themselves 
 How to effectively implement a sales plan to grow your sales by 40% in four  months 
 How to generate sales via Social media, in particular Linked IN

Anyone who holds a VIP ticket, will recieve a free review of their business to help guide them through any bespoke issues related to their field for their business!
So it will be a unique opportunity for some 1-2-1 time with the speakers!
There will be a great opportunity to network and meet likeminded individuals.
From myself and the team, we look forward to seeing you!


Michael Graham, Annik Rau

Go to event website

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