"New Beginnings" with Dances of Universal Peace, Vitalija & Ralph

The dances are accompanied by drum & guitar.
We move, breathe and sing together, holding hands - like one organism.
Like a cell in the body, remembering being part of something much bigger than the small self.
The separated individuality may dissolve into a blissful state of oneness with the group.
To sing or chant and to dance are fundamental expressions of our creativity,
which gets inspired and stimulated through these Dances of Universal Peace.

The Dances of Universal Peace are a spiritual practice:
all chakras get involved or even activated.
A deep, soulful sense of joy may be felt.
Tears may flow, when the soul begins to remember it's deep longing...

The dances can be a bridge to awakening, connecting with the Divine.
Your voice may open up, and your breathing can become deeper and free.
All sorts of things may happen during or after these dances, often on a subtle level.
We usually hug each other. These hugs can be very healing and comforting.

Cost: £15 - £5 (sliding scale - please invest as much as feels right)
Contact Ralph on 01422 647157 or 07909 488272 or e-mail.

Venue: New Odd Fellows' Hall, Oxford Street, Todmorden, OL14 5PU, West Yorkshire

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