Chicago, IL: Docker Administration & Operations - Official Training

Date: 24-May-16 to 25-May-16
Location: MicroTrain Technologies / United States
Category: Education

In this two-day training, you will learn skills to prepare you for deploying and maintaining a Docker environment. The class includes lecture, hands-on labs, and discussion with a certified Docker instructor.  

Course Outline
- Understand containers
- Run and manage containers
- Build, manage, and distribute images
- Understand contain volumes and networking
- Use Docker in continuous integration
- Control the Docker daemon
- Configure security and TLS
- Set up a registry and understand the Docker Trusted Registry
- Docker local development workflow
- Use Docker Machine, Swarm, and Compose
- Connecting containers together (links)
- Container orchestration
- Working directly with the Docker remote API
- Docker in Production (ambassadors, service discovery, etc.)
- Build micro service applications

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