3rd Annual Congress on Biofuels and Bioenergy - 2017

LLC is proud to announce the 3rd Annual Congress on Biofuels and Bioenergy, to be With the magnificent success of Biofuels and Bioenergy Congress 2016, Conference Series held during April 27-28, 2017 at Dubai, UAE.
Join us for two intensive and interesting days of discussing contemporary research. We invite you to contribute and help to shape the Biofuels and Bioenergy congress through submissions of your research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Bioenergy International Congress is cordially inviting for presentation at the conference.
Biofuels and Bioenergy Congress-2017 anticipates more than 200 participants around the globe with thought provoking Keynote lectures, Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related International Journals.
This is an excellent opportunity for the delegates from universities and institutes to interact with the world class scientists.
The intending participants can confirm their participation by registering for the conference along with your colleagues. Avail the delegate Early Bird Offer.
The main theme of the conference is “Endowing a footprint of accountable economical evolution”.

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