Lunch and Learn at Loft 24!

Date: 14-Sep-16 to 14-Dec-16
Location: Loft 24 LLC / United States
Category: Education

Iza Bella ~ Owner of Bella Healing & Hypnosis
At at 60 Iza Bella made a change. One that changed her life and many others. Through the creation of her business Bella Hypnosis she has helped so many people End the war by discovering a calm powerful part of them that knows “I can” and “I am.” Integrative hypnosis works directly with the subconscious mind, allowing expanding awareness and shifting perceptions to heal at the deepest level. Bella Healing Hypnosis helps to transform your life, from the inside out.

Anyone is welcome to Loft 24 once a month to eat lunch and learn about a unique topic that improves our small businesses. Our meetings provide time for networking, motivation and introductions. A guest speaker shares relevant and practical information. Members are always FREE for all events!

· It’s all about relationships and learning.
· We believe that nurturing positive relationships is essential to individuals, businesses, and the community.
· We believe that people are empowered by learning new skills and sharing ideas.
· We believe that small businesses should have access to the same types of information as large ones.

Our Lunch and Learn agenda is as follows:

11:30a-11:45a: WElcome and Sign-in
11:45a-12:00p: Find a seat and make your plate of food
12:00p-12:05: Speaker Introduction
12:05p-12:25p: Speaker Talk
12:30p-12:45: Q&A for the Speaker
12:45p-1p: Business and service exchange
1pm: Concludes! Grab a Thank You Swag Bag!


Iza Bella

Go to event website

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