East Meets West

East Meets West is the startup event of the year in Hawaii – bringing together investors and entrepreneurs from Asia, Hawaii and North America. EMW'17 features amazing international speakers, deep-dive learning opportunities, and ample networking in a tropical Startup Paradise. We look forward to seeing you there!

2017 Agenda Overview:
* Keynotes and Fireside chats with successful East / West entrepreneurs and investors
* Deep dive discussion regarding operating and investing in foreign markets
* One-on-one meetings and ample networking opportunities with speakers and investors
* EMW startup competition with winners from around Asia and North America invited to pitch
* Hawaii ecosystem tour to accelerators and co-working spaces in downtown Honolulu
* Startup Paradise Showcase (top 10 Hawaii startups)


Christine Tsai, Henk B. Rogers, Casey Lau, Todd Embley, Tony Blank, Paul Ford, David Lee, Sean Flaherty, David Cunningham, Chenoa Farnsworth, Luis Salaveria

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