Future Leaders: Business and Innovation

Date: 11-Jul-17 to 11-Jul-17
Location: Royal Institute of British Architects / London / United Kingdom
Category: Education

Healthy practices require a strong pipeline of work, which can only be kept buoyant through business development and activity. Leadership entails full engagement with new business opportunities and processes. It also requires the capacity to continually hone and improve on established procedures and practices – and to innovate strategically in areas that can add value.

The final Future Leaders seminar day will provide key insights from leading architectural practitioners, who are engaged with every aspect of running a successful business from winning work to securing resourcing and profitability. A highly interactive workshop that will demonstrate how architects can seek to improve their fee income through incremental gains.

Keynote: Helen Logan of Allies and Morrison.

Speakers to include: Jonathan Hall of AHMM and David Green of Perkins+Will.

Interactive workshop: Parag Prasad of London Business Coaching.

Topics, skills and learning outcomes covered include:

- how to be successful at winning work – competitions and bid submissions
- the importance of the P&L and good business organisation: tracking of fees and mapping of financial resources
- improving profitability through incremental gains
- steering the way between the contractual and non-contractual
- how to give your business the edge by ensuring it is innovative and ahead in its chosen area of expertise
- improving business outcomes through technology

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