A Sense of Scotland

Davy Macdonald is a dramatic artist with a story to tell. Specialising in portraiture he has been exhibiting regular shows in Edinburgh and London since 2009. Over the years, he has researched and developed historic and cultural backgrounds for his “Heritage Series” paintings which tell a story from Scotland’s past.

His works include depictions of Harris Tweed workers, charming portraits of women against the scenic beauty of the Western Isles, capturing the heritage processes used in the creation of the Big Cloth. He also explores the lives of the itinerant Herring Lassies, the iconic fisherwomen who worked along the coastal ports from Wick to Lowestoft with their nets, baskets and barrels of fish. There are also portrayals of the harvesting of Oysters, Scallops and Mussels from the once prolific shellfish beds of Edinburgh and East Lothian.

Other paintings include a series of Gothic femme fatales, half hidden behind black cloaks, lurking in shadowy candlelight. These are moody, menacing images which illustrate dark and dramatic scenes.

There is also a new series of abstract and conceptual works with influences from Japanese and world cinema.

This wide-ranging exhibition not only presents Davy Macdonald’s latest work but is also a fine retrospective to highlight the excellent Heritage series of recent years.


Davy Macdonald

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