4th Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2018)

Date: 23-Apr-18 to 26-Apr-18
Location: Stanley hotel in Athens / Athens / Greece
Category: Media, Advertising & PR Education Politics Conferences & Trade Fairs

The aim of this cross-disciplinary conference is to bring together academics, students, researchers and professionals from different disciplines and cultural backgrounds, encourage them present their work, communicate, exchange and collaborate. You can participate to present a paper, chair a session, organise a panel, or even be an observer. Past conferences drew participants from different continents and countries (more than 50), presenting papers on diverse topics such as political communication, multicultural & cultural issues, Education and Management, Political Communication, European themes, Νew Media / artificial intelligence, Advertising, Branding, Marketing, New technology & Communication, Crisis Communication & Media, E-communication – Journalism, Management and Business Communication, cultural studies, public relations and advertising, among others. Our purpose is to keep our conferences with a limited number of multicultural groups of academics/professionals (50-60), to better encourage communication and exchange.


Academics, PhD students, communication professionals


Academics, PhD students, communication professionals

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