1/9/19: Headspace Product VP on Building for Voice

Date: 09-Jan-19 to 09-Jan-19
Location: Adobe HQ / San Jose / United States
Category: Education Technology

TOPIC: Headspace Product VP on Building for Voice

Just as mobile design has become essential for modern products, voice interaction design represents the next frontier in product design. By 2021, more than 1.8 billion people will be using digital voice assistants. As product managers, how can you integrate digital voice commands into your product ecosystem? Headspace Product VP Randhir Vieira talks about the the challenges and opportunities that digital voice technology presents - from reimagining your product design process to revolutionizing the ways in which customers interact with your product.

About the Speaker: Randhir Vieira is the VP of Product at Headspace - leading the product team to achieve the organization’s mission of improving health and happiness around the world. Prior to Headspace, Randhir was the Chief Customer Officer at Mindflash, a leading cloud-based Learning Management System. He was also the VP of Product and Customer Care at Eyefi - and Senior Product Director at Yahoo.

6:50pm: Doors Open 
7:30pm: Welcome & Introductions
7:35pm: Session Begins (7.45pm: doors close)
8:20pm: Shoutouts
8:25pm: Networking & Fun
9:00pm: Event Ends

Free beer & yummy pizzas! We also share discounts and freebies in our newsletter.

Products That Count is a non-profit organization. If for any reason you can't make it to our event or didn't like it, email us and we'll be happy to refund your money. Please try to do it early so that someone on the waitlist can take your spot. Note: we reserve the right to share attendee information with our partners.


Randhir Vieira

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